Hey everybody!!! Today I'm going to talk to you about the holidays that Paraguay celebrates. The holidays that I found that we don't celebrate were; Chaco Armistice, Founding of Asuncion, Boqueron Battle Victory Day, Virgin of Caacupé Day.
Chaco Armistice:
Chaco Armistice is celebrated every year on June 12, and was first celebrated in 1935. The reason behind the holiday is to celebrate the victory of the Chaco War(still rubbing it in).
Founding of Asuncion:
This holiday is not only self-explanatory, but a very big holiday. The holiday is celebrated on the 15 of August. During this holiday there are official speeches, lots of military involvement and parades. The celebration also includes tribe dancing, and huge feasts.
Boqueron Battle Victory Day:
This holiday is a celebration of the victory of Boqueron Battle, which was part of the Chaco War.
Virgin of Caacupé Day:
This holiday is celebrated as the day the virgin Caacupé believed in Jesus. This holiday is celebrated on December 8th. During the celebration of this holiday, people from all over the world come to request for things they or someone else might need or want.
thats interesting willy! In Great Britain, every town and village there has their own little holiday and they all dress up for it.